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DevRev Platform Essentials
Naomi | 1:31:45 AM --> Hello and welcome everyone. Thank you so much for joining the session today. Today's session will focus on devs platform Essentials. We havea with here with us is a part of the dev team, which handles all things education at. So in today's session, like I said, we're gonna focus on platform essentials, covering the basics of the navigation, logging in, accessing your left navigation, customizing, all of that. So feel free to ask any questions, come off mute, use the chat. We'll be monitoring both if you have any questions. We do also want this to be as interactive as possible, so you know, feel free to use the chat and then also follow along. ASA is demonstrating the activities. So with that, I will pass it over to whenever you're ready. SHREYA | 1:32:42 AM --> Okay. So hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today. So as Naomi said, today's session is going to focus on the key facets of Dev Rev platform. So before, before we dive in, I would like to take a moment to walk you through the agenda for today's session. We'll start by explaining why Dev Rev is a great fit for your business and how it can transform your operations. Next we'll look into how we can log into Dev Rev and ensure that you can access your account comfortably. Next, we'll look at the left navigation menu and how it helps you easily access different features of Dev. Rev will also cover how to customize the left navigation menu to better fit your workflow and preferences. And in the customer experience segment, we'll focus on the customer's view. Upon logging into Dev, rev will identify the key components that shape their experience and demonstrate how to set, set up these elements within Dev Rev for optimal configuration. We'll also cover how Dev Rev supports multiple channels, allowing you to manage all customer interactions from one place. And finally, we'll discuss how we leverage AI at Dev Rev to automate task and enhance efficiencies. So before we proceed, I would like to know from the group here, if there's anything else you'd like us to cover for today's session that isn't listed in the agenda. Please feel free to come off mute or use the chat box to let me know. Thank you Martin. Okay, so yeah, so before we dive into the platform, let us go ahead and have a quick discussion about why Dev Rev. So as we are building Dev Rev, we noticed that there was an opportunity for a future where developers, builders, and customers could come closer like never before. So our goal is to help build the world's most customer, customer-centric companies by ensuring that every internal team has access to customer Insights, which allows us to focus on meaningful work and create solutions that truly matters to our customers. So before we dive into the platform, I would like to know if there's anyone here who has never logged into Deborah before or is just getting started with her. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah, so, okay, let's move on to the platform orientation. Yeah, so please allow me to share my screen. All right, so yeah, so some of you have not logged into dev rep before, so let me just show how we can do it. So to log into Dev rev, go to dev rep.ai and click on the login button at the top right corner. And then you'll have three options to proceed. That is one with Google, one with LinkedIn, and another one being email. So most of the time you'd have received an invitation email, which you can use to click into and set up your account. Naomi | 1:37:28 AM --> I think we lost you. SHREYA | 1:37:32 AM --> Is my screen visible? Naomi | 1:37:34 AM --> Yes, your screen is visible. We just weren't able to hear you for a little bit. SHREYA | 1:37:39 AM --> Okay, so was the login procedure visible? Naomi | 1:37:47 AM --> Okay, great. SHREYA | 1:37:50 AM --> So yeah, yeah, once you log into Dev Rev, so this is the interface that you're going to land up in. So yeah, so this is the update tab right here. So on the left side what we have, what we call as left navigation menu, this is where everything within dev is organized. So you can access everything you need from this menu to start with update section, you know this section shows all the work that needs to attention and is divided into two subsections that is important and others. So the important section serves as a focused inbox for critical conversations and updates relevant to your work. And the others inbox contains all the conversations within your organization or team that are not marked as important. So this classification helps you prioritize and manage your communication efficiently. For instance, whether it's Tickets assigned to you, issues, opportunities, or any other items needing your attention, you will find it under the important section. And minor updates such as task changes or closures will be listed under the other section. So in the top right corner right here, you'll find the notification preferences for updates. Now here you can choose which inbox should receive the notification for specific assignments. For example, if you want to ensure that notifications for task assigned to you go to the important section, you can go ahead and set it as important under the priorities. You can also set it as others or you can also go ahead and mute it. And then you can also select your preferred method of notification. That is whether you want to get notified via your email or your phone. Yeah, that covers the notification preferences. Now returning to the left navigation menu at the top right corner right here, what you will see is your initials. So clicking on them will reveal all your, you know, options, different options. So starting with your name, your email id, which you use to log into dev ref, you can also go ahead and pause your notifications according to your preferences. And you can also set your status. So as a support admin, we recommend you you advising your agents to set the statuses online when logged into Dev ref and as away when not, you can also switch between various organizations that you're a part of, but most of the time you might find that you're not really using this feature. But for me, I have a few demo environments set up in addition to Dev ref that I can toggle between. Additionally, you can adjust your view settings using different modes such as darker, lighter, and the auto mode. So auto mode adjusts the screen brightness based on the ambient light that is lighter in the bright environments and darker in demo settings. You'll also find options to modify a few settings, you know, and you can also log out of of your account as well. Apart from this, there is a settings bar right beside your initials, which will cover for the later. But just to give a gist of it, this is where most of your administrative activities will be performed. Now next to the settings bar, you will see a plus icon right here, which allows you to create a new work item, whether it's an issue, ticket and opportunity or an asset as well. So in dev, our work item is a record of tasks that needs to be addressed. So these tasks could involve a customer or team member or the maintainer of a specific part. Based on these roles, work items can be categorized into three types, as I mentioned earlier, namely issues, Tickets and opportunities. So to talk a little bit about issues, it's a work item specifically for developers. Now, issues can be linked to Tickets and often involve tasks such as resolving bug or implementing new features. A ticket on the other hand, is a record of customer's request for assistance. This can encompass various types of inquiries including bug reports, queries, feature requests, or general support needs. And opportunity represents a potential sales prospect. And you know, you can also connect multiple opportunities to a single account as well. So once you click on any of this, say for example ticket, you just simply have to go go in and fill all these details or any necessary details and it is an efficient way to initiate a new work item. So then we'll move towards search. So this feature allows you to find various items such as Tickets issues, accounts, articles, question and answers, contacts, yeah. And then you can also initiate a search from anywhere within the platform by using the shortcut command plus K, which is just another handy little shortcut for you. So now let's talk a little bit about the explore tab. Now this feature allows you to customize your view of the left navigation menu. So if you don't see this option in your left navigation menu yet, you can go to settings, scroll down to experiments, and then from here you can toggle it on and off. And once you have enabled explore, you will see there are a lot of default views here, known as the stock views. You can pin or unpin these views from the left navigation menu to create a customized, you know, setup for your organization. For instance, if you want account section to appear under your left navigation menu, you can pin it and choose its placement as well. So whether you want to place it under work, product, customer, or any other category. So if I wanted to pin it under my work section, I can go ahead and do it. And as you can see, the accounts tab has appeared under my work section. So even if, if you know, if I change my mind and I don't wanna see the accounts account any longer under my work section, I can go ahead and unpin this as well. So this feature is designed to enhance your workflow by allow, by allowing you to tailor the interface to fit your specific needs, making it easier to navigate and manage your task efficiently. So now returning back to the left navigation menu at Debra, we offer the option to switch between different apps that is support as in work built, as in product and customer as in group. Yeah. So the support app is primarily used by our customer facing support agents, whereas BUILD is utilized by our engineering and product teams and customer functions similar to sales CRM where the sales team tracks their prospects, manages accounts, monitors new customers and tracks the sales stage of each account. Now what we strongly advocate for everyone within your organization, regardless of their role, is that to have access to all this information, for example, a support agent can, you know, access bill to stay informed about the product team's progress. And similarly they can view account details to see what's happening within the marketing team as well. So this cross-functional visibility helps all teams stay aligned and have a clear understanding of the entire customer life cycle. Right? Alright, so I know that you've been all exploring the platform, so now I would like you to take a moment to try out everything we've discussed so far and if you have any questions please let me know and I'll be happy to address them for you. SHREYA | 1:47:56 AM --> Please let me know once you're done. SHREYA | 1:48:26 AM --> Okay, so moving on. I thought it would be great to start with a demo of what our customers experience and what your customers will experience when you sign up with Dev Ref. And we'll look backward looking at all the different elements that make up that experience and how to configure it within Dev ref. So the two things that are unique to Dev when you sign up with us are the customer portal and the plug the customer portal is an online platform that enables you know, your customers to interact with the support team, create support Tickets, track the progress of their request and engage in conversations related to their issues. So it serves as a centralized hub for managing customer support inquiries efficiently. And when I'm speaking about customer portal, it is designed specifically for your customers. So that's why we set up a NY QL in the name of your organization, which can be accessed through support.dev rev.ai/the name of your organization. So the second option that we have is Plug. Now Plug is an in-app engagement center, which is enabled within a platform and within our website. So again, it is an a widget that allows our customers to click into start a conversation and also fed some articles to find a solution to a query. So plug ference to the part of Debra platform that directly enables communication with and understanding of our users, including our customer success and support teams. And the conversation started in the plug plug widget are found in the support inbox. So I'll quickly show you what customer portal looks like and then we'll dive deeper into the plug. SHREYA | 1:50:49 AM --> Okay, so I'm using a demo environment called Maple and this is what the customer portal for Maple looks like. So to begin with, you'll have to log in to track your Tickets, monitor your activity and access the help center. So if you can see on this interface, there's a search bar where customers can enter questions or search for information and during we'll pull relevant answers from the articles fed to it. Now if you click into the plus ticket option right here, yeah, so if you click into the plus ticket option right here, I can go ahead and you know, create a ticket of my own say for example. SHREYA | 1:52:02 AM --> And if I click on submit, I can see that my ticket has been submitted and it's currently open, its status is open and here is the unique ticket number that is generated with the title and description of the ticket that I just created. I can also go ahead and initiate a conversation as well. And this conversation is directly going to be landing in our platform. So yeah, does anyone have any questions about the customer portal? SHREYA | 1:53:03 AM --> Alright, so now let's take a quick look at the plug. So one second. So on our website you will notice a small widget at the bottom right corner, which is what we call plug. Now clicking on this widget will open a chat box and as me mentioned earlier, plug allows customers to start a conversation. You know, you can also track your Tickets and get help as well. So if a customer initiates a conversation and the board cannot provide a satisfactory answer, it will either prompt them to rephrase the question or will ask them if they want the bot to connect with the support agent. And the entire conversation between the bot and the customer will then appear in the support inbox within Deborah where the support agent can review the chart and create a ticket on the customer's behalf if needed. Now the customer will also be notified when a ticket has been created to address the issue that they are facing. Yeah, that covers pretty much it about the plug. So now let's look at some of the settings and configurations for both the customer portal and the plug. To start with, you'll have to go to platform settings, scroll a little bit down to plug settings and when you click on it you'll see some of the configuration options that you will see in this particular interface. So yeah, for example, you can decide where the plug should be visible. That is either on your website or on a specific pages or across the entire site. You can also customize the call to action text as well, which is currently set as send us, send us a message. But you can also change it to something like, you know, start a conversation. And as you can see the call to, you know, call to action text has been changed here as well. You can also enable the session recording which captures the last 10 to 15 seconds of a customer's activity before they initiate a conversation. So this feature provides more context for your supporting. You can also go ahead and look at the styling of the plug, including, you know, uploading the logo, adjusting the appearance, and changing the color as well. So within the tab section, you know, such as home conversation, Tickets can also be customized and toggled on and off. And finally you can customize the layout of the card that customers can click into. So overall plug can be configured and tailored to meet your organization's specific needs and requirements. Now going back and clicking on the portal settings, you can also customize how the customer portal appears and functions within these. Similar to what we saw in plug settings you, you have options to configure various elements starting from configuration you can add your organization name, upload a logo, you can also include a photo and you can also choose whether to enable or disable the Turing search feature for customers under the styling section. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the portal including the banner. So this is the banner and the overall appearance again. And you can also customize which tab are visible, tailoring the, you know, tailoring the portal to better fit your needs. So these setting ensure that customer portal aligns with your brand identity and enhances the overall user experience. So if you have any questions about these customization options, feel free to come off mute or put it in the chat box for plug to embed. SHREYA | 1:58:18 AM --> There isn't any link provided. It is, it is on our website itself. So if you want plug to to, to be embedded in your yeah website, you can also have it done. Any other questions? Naomi | 1:59:03 AM --> Going back to plug a little bit, just a few things that I wanna cover. So plug can be set up like if you go to our website, what you'll see is our dev plug widget that is set up for dev customers. You can essentially replicate the same thing for your customers, but when you are within Dev, if you've logged in, you can also see we have the plug budget on the left here. So if you could just take into that the bottom left? SHREYA | 1:59:31 AM --> Yeah, right here. Naomi | 1:59:34 AM --> So this is the same widget that's embedded on our website as well and this is a great place for you to, to access some help articles and to speak to our support team if you have any questions as you're getting started. So like you can see here, we've highlighted a few things that we want within the home section. So we have the book of Deborah, if we scroll down, you have a couple of other tag or cards rather with you know, information that we want to highlight. We have the conversation staff, which is where you can actually go ahead and start a conversation with our support team. We also have our ai, which is called tutoring set up to answer a lot of questions for you. So if you click into conversations, you can actually go ahead and start a conversation, in which case Turing, which is our AI, can be set up to answer any questions. We have the ticket tab where you can see any previous Tickets that you've initiated with us. Yep. And then we also have the help section where you can go through any relevant articles that have been set up using our knowledge base. SHREYA | 2:01:17 AM --> So yeah, now let's explore some of the omnichannel support options available within dev. You know, dev supports various channels including the customer portal, our in-app widget called Plug and integrations with email, WhatsApp, and Slack as well. So let me just show you. Yeah, so once you integrate all these accounts with dev, all the messages received via WhatsApp, Slack or or email can be tracked within Dev Rev. Now to set up or configure this Integration, go to settings, scroll down to integrations and click on snap ins. So yeah, snap ins are our automations and integrations. So here you can view everything that's, that has been already set up, see what still requires installation or explore the marketplace for additional options. Now in marketplace accessible from the top right corner right here, you can explore, you know, integrations related to different aspects of the platform such as support, you know, grow, build automations, et cetera. For example, let me just go to support. Okay, so we have smart import KP here. So this is a very useful tool for uploading your knowledge base or articles from any URL. So by inputting the URL Deborah pulls all the content from the page, making it available for during to leverage in responding to customers. Similarly, we also have WhatsApp, Integration, email, and Slack integrations. And by clicking onto these, you know, it'll provide you detailed information about each integrations including features, limitations, and setup instructions. So once configured you can click on open and all the email received in the configured inbox will be tracked within Dev under Tickets. So lastly, let's discuss more about AI in Dev. So AI is deeply integrated into our platform enhancing various aspects of its functionality. So we have during our AI enabled chatbot that is designed to automate responses and provide support to your customers. So tooling has a range of capabilities it can understand and respond to your user queries, deliver efficient and accurate support, such as similar Tickets and offer related knowledge articles to help customer experience engineers resolve issues more efficiently. So one of the key strengths of touring is its ability to learn from conversations over time improving its responses and becoming more accurate and helpful. So now let just go ahead and explore during and make the most of its features. So yeah, yeah. So just below the settings right here, you'll find during our AI power chat bot designed to streamline responses and offer customer support with a range of capabilities. Now to use Ask During features, simply click on the chat box or use the shortcut command plus J and this will open a dialogue box at the bottom of your screen where you can type in your questions. So lemme just go ahead and ask during a question. And during wolffe relevant information from the knowledge base and displayed here. Now, during also allows you to search for articles you have uploaded or look up for work completed by a specific person within a given timeframe. So for example, if you want to review all the work done by your team in the past, say X days, just enter your request and during we'll provide the relevant information, for example. Yeah, so let me just go ahead and ask during. So once you request this during will provide you with a a desired result. So yeah, he has not done any work in the past 10 days. So this is how you can find all the work done by your team members or a specific person in a given timeframe. And this automation helps you avoid manual work and saves a lot of your time. Now let's see what else you can do. So I'll just open one ticket to demonstrate. So if I click on this ticket, yeah.
Support App Essentials
Naomi | 1:31:45 AM --> Hello and welcome everyone. Thank you so much for joining the session today. Today's session will focus on devs platform Essentials. We havea with here with us is a part of the dev team, which handles all things education at. So in today's session, like I said, we're gonna focus on platform essentials, covering the basics of the navigation, logging in, accessing your left navigation, customizing, all of that. So feel free to ask any questions, come off mute, use the chat. We'll be monitoring both if you have any questions. We do also want this to be as interactive as possible, so you know, feel free to use the chat and then also follow along. ASA is demonstrating the activities. So with that, I will pass it over to whenever you're ready. SHREYA | 1:32:42 AM --> Okay. So hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today. So as Naomi said, today's session is going to focus on the key facets of Dev Rev platform. So before, before we dive in, I would like to take a moment to walk you through the agenda for today's session. We'll start by explaining why Dev Rev is a great fit for your business and how it can transform your operations. Next we'll look into how we can log into Dev Rev and ensure that you can access your account comfortably. Next, we'll look at the left navigation menu and how it helps you easily access different features of Dev. Rev will also cover how to customize the left navigation menu to better fit your workflow and preferences. And in the customer experience segment, we'll focus on the customer's view. Upon logging into Dev, rev will identify the key components that shape their experience and demonstrate how to set, set up these elements within Dev Rev for optimal configuration. We'll also cover how Dev Rev supports multiple channels, allowing you to manage all customer interactions from one place. And finally, we'll discuss how we leverage AI at Dev Rev to automate task and enhance efficiencies. So before we proceed, I would like to know from the group here, if there's anything else you'd like us to cover for today's session that isn't listed in the agenda. Please feel free to come off mute or use the chat box to let me know. Thank you Martin. Okay, so yeah, so before we dive into the platform, let us go ahead and have a quick discussion about why Dev Rev. So as we are building Dev Rev, we noticed that there was an opportunity for a future where developers, builders, and customers could come closer like never before. So our goal is to help build the world's most customer, customer-centric companies by ensuring that every internal team has access to customer Insights, which allows us to focus on meaningful work and create solutions that truly matters to our customers. So before we dive into the platform, I would like to know if there's anyone here who has never logged into Deborah before or is just getting started with her. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah, so, okay, let's move on to the platform orientation. Yeah, so please allow me to share my screen. All right, so yeah, so some of you have not logged into dev rep before, so let me just show how we can do it. So to log into Dev rev, go to dev rep.ai and click on the login button at the top right corner. And then you'll have three options to proceed. That is one with Google, one with LinkedIn, and another one being email. So most of the time you'd have received an invitation email, which you can use to click into and set up your account. Naomi | 1:37:28 AM --> I think we lost you. SHREYA | 1:37:32 AM --> Is my screen visible? Naomi | 1:37:34 AM --> Yes, your screen is visible. We just weren't able to hear you for a little bit. SHREYA | 1:37:39 AM --> Okay, so was the login procedure visible? Naomi | 1:37:47 AM --> Okay, great. SHREYA | 1:37:50 AM --> So yeah, yeah, once you log into Dev Rev, so this is the interface that you're going to land up in. So yeah, so this is the update tab right here. So on the left side what we have, what we call as left navigation menu, this is where everything within dev is organized. So you can access everything you need from this menu to start with update section, you know this section shows all the work that needs to attention and is divided into two subsections that is important and others. So the important section serves as a focused inbox for critical conversations and updates relevant to your work. And the others inbox contains all the conversations within your organization or team that are not marked as important. So this classification helps you prioritize and manage your communication efficiently. For instance, whether it's Tickets assigned to you, issues, opportunities, or any other items needing your attention, you will find it under the important section. And minor updates such as task changes or closures will be listed under the other section. So in the top right corner right here, you'll find the notification preferences for updates. Now here you can choose which inbox should receive the notification for specific assignments. For example, if you want to ensure that notifications for task assigned to you go to the important section, you can go ahead and set it as important under the priorities. You can also set it as others or you can also go ahead and mute it. And then you can also select your preferred method of notification. That is whether you want to get notified via your email or your phone. Yeah, that covers the notification preferences. Now returning to the left navigation menu at the top right corner right here, what you will see is your initials. So clicking on them will reveal all your, you know, options, different options. So starting with your name, your email id, which you use to log into dev ref, you can also go ahead and pause your notifications according to your preferences. And you can also set your status. So as a support admin, we recommend you you advising your agents to set the statuses online when logged into Dev ref and as away when not, you can also switch between various organizations that you're a part of, but most of the time you might find that you're not really using this feature. But for me, I have a few demo environments set up in addition to Dev ref that I can toggle between. Additionally, you can adjust your view settings using different modes such as darker, lighter, and the auto mode. So auto mode adjusts the screen brightness based on the ambient light that is lighter in the bright environments and darker in demo settings. You'll also find options to modify a few settings, you know, and you can also log out of of your account as well. Apart from this, there is a settings bar right beside your initials, which will cover for the later. But just to give a gist of it, this is where most of your administrative activities will be performed. Now next to the settings bar, you will see a plus icon right here, which allows you to create a new work item, whether it's an issue, ticket and opportunity or an asset as well. So in dev, our work item is a record of tasks that needs to be addressed. So these tasks could involve a customer or team member or the maintainer of a specific part. Based on these roles, work items can be categorized into three types, as I mentioned earlier, namely issues, Tickets and opportunities. So to talk a little bit about issues, it's a work item specifically for developers. Now, issues can be linked to Tickets and often involve tasks such as resolving bug or implementing new features. A ticket on the other hand, is a record of customer's request for assistance. This can encompass various types of inquiries including bug reports, queries, feature requests, or general support needs. And opportunity represents a potential sales prospect. And you know, you can also connect multiple opportunities to a single account as well. So once you click on any of this, say for example ticket, you just simply have to go go in and fill all these details or any necessary details and it is an efficient way to initiate a new work item. So then we'll move towards search. So this feature allows you to find various items such as Tickets issues, accounts, articles, question and answers, contacts, yeah. And then you can also initiate a search from anywhere within the platform by using the shortcut command plus K, which is just another handy little shortcut for you. So now let's talk a little bit about the explore tab. Now this feature allows you to customize your view of the left navigation menu. So if you don't see this option in your left navigation menu yet, you can go to settings, scroll down to experiments, and then from here you can toggle it on and off. And once you have enabled explore, you will see there are a lot of default views here, known as the stock views. You can pin or unpin these views from the left navigation menu to create a customized, you know, setup for your organization. For instance, if you want account section to appear under your left navigation menu, you can pin it and choose its placement as well. So whether you want to place it under work, product, customer, or any other category. So if I wanted to pin it under my work section, I can go ahead and do it. And as you can see, the accounts tab has appeared under my work section. So even if, if you know, if I change my mind and I don't wanna see the accounts account any longer under my work section, I can go ahead and unpin this as well. So this feature is designed to enhance your workflow by allow, by allowing you to tailor the interface to fit your specific needs, making it easier to navigate and manage your task efficiently. So now returning back to the left navigation menu at Debra, we offer the option to switch between different apps that is support as in work built, as in product and customer as in group. Yeah. So the support app is primarily used by our customer facing support agents, whereas BUILD is utilized by our engineering and product teams and customer functions similar to sales CRM where the sales team tracks their prospects, manages accounts, monitors new customers and tracks the sales stage of each account. Now what we strongly advocate for everyone within your organization, regardless of their role, is that to have access to all this information, for example, a support agent can, you know, access bill to stay informed about the product team's progress. And similarly they can view account details to see what's happening within the marketing team as well. So this cross-functional visibility helps all teams stay aligned and have a clear understanding of the entire customer life cycle. Right? Alright, so I know that you've been all exploring the platform, so now I would like you to take a moment to try out everything we've discussed so far and if you have any questions please let me know and I'll be happy to address them for you. SHREYA | 1:47:56 AM --> Please let me know once you're done. SHREYA | 1:48:26 AM --> Okay, so moving on. I thought it would be great to start with a demo of what our customers experience and what your customers will experience when you sign up with Dev Ref. And we'll look backward looking at all the different elements that make up that experience and how to configure it within Dev ref. So the two things that are unique to Dev when you sign up with us are the customer portal and the plug the customer portal is an online platform that enables you know, your customers to interact with the support team, create support Tickets, track the progress of their request and engage in conversations related to their issues. So it serves as a centralized hub for managing customer support inquiries efficiently. And when I'm speaking about customer portal, it is designed specifically for your customers. So that's why we set up a NY QL in the name of your organization, which can be accessed through support.dev rev.ai/the name of your organization. So the second option that we have is Plug. Now Plug is an in-app engagement center, which is enabled within a platform and within our website. So again, it is an a widget that allows our customers to click into start a conversation and also fed some articles to find a solution to a query. So plug ference to the part of Debra platform that directly enables communication with and understanding of our users, including our customer success and support teams. And the conversation started in the plug plug widget are found in the support inbox. So I'll quickly show you what customer portal looks like and then we'll dive deeper into the plug. SHREYA | 1:50:49 AM --> Okay, so I'm using a demo environment called Maple and this is what the customer portal for Maple looks like. So to begin with, you'll have to log in to track your Tickets, monitor your activity and access the help center. So if you can see on this interface, there's a search bar where customers can enter questions or search for information and during we'll pull relevant answers from the articles fed to it. Now if you click into the plus ticket option right here, yeah, so if you click into the plus ticket option right here, I can go ahead and you know, create a ticket of my own say for example. SHREYA | 1:52:02 AM --> And if I click on submit, I can see that my ticket has been submitted and it's currently open, its status is open and here is the unique ticket number that is generated with the title and description of the ticket that I just created. I can also go ahead and initiate a conversation as well. And this conversation is directly going to be landing in our platform. So yeah, does anyone have any questions about the customer portal? SHREYA | 1:53:03 AM --> Alright, so now let's take a quick look at the plug. So one second. So on our website you will notice a small widget at the bottom right corner, which is what we call plug. Now clicking on this widget will open a chat box and as me mentioned earlier, plug allows customers to start a conversation. You know, you can also track your Tickets and get help as well. So if a customer initiates a conversation and the board cannot provide a satisfactory answer, it will either prompt them to rephrase the question or will ask them if they want the bot to connect with the support agent. And the entire conversation between the bot and the customer will then appear in the support inbox within Deborah where the support agent can review the chart and create a ticket on the customer's behalf if needed. Now the customer will also be notified when a ticket has been created to address the issue that they are facing. Yeah, that covers pretty much it about the plug. So now let's look at some of the settings and configurations for both the customer portal and the plug. To start with, you'll have to go to platform settings, scroll a little bit down to plug settings and when you click on it you'll see some of the configuration options that you will see in this particular interface. So yeah, for example, you can decide where the plug should be visible. That is either on your website or on a specific pages or across the entire site. You can also customize the call to action text as well, which is currently set as send us, send us a message. But you can also change it to something like, you know, start a conversation. And as you can see the call to, you know, call to action text has been changed here as well. You can also enable the session recording which captures the last 10 to 15 seconds of a customer's activity before they initiate a conversation. So this feature provides more context for your supporting. You can also go ahead and look at the styling of the plug, including, you know, uploading the logo, adjusting the appearance, and changing the color as well. So within the tab section, you know, such as home conversation, Tickets can also be customized and toggled on and off. And finally you can customize the layout of the card that customers can click into. So overall plug can be configured and tailored to meet your organization's specific needs and requirements. Now going back and clicking on the portal settings, you can also customize how the customer portal appears and functions within these. Similar to what we saw in plug settings you, you have options to configure various elements starting from configuration you can add your organization name, upload a logo, you can also include a photo and you can also choose whether to enable or disable the Turing search feature for customers under the styling section. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the portal including the banner. So this is the banner and the overall appearance again. And you can also customize which tab are visible, tailoring the, you know, tailoring the portal to better fit your needs. So these setting ensure that customer portal aligns with your brand identity and enhances the overall user experience. So if you have any questions about these customization options, feel free to come off mute or put it in the chat box for plug to embed. SHREYA | 1:58:18 AM --> There isn't any link provided. It is, it is on our website itself. So if you want plug to to, to be embedded in your yeah website, you can also have it done. Any other questions? Naomi | 1:59:03 AM --> Going back to plug a little bit, just a few things that I wanna cover. So plug can be set up like if you go to our website, what you'll see is our dev plug widget that is set up for dev customers. You can essentially replicate the same thing for your customers, but when you are within Dev, if you've logged in, you can also see we have the plug budget on the left here. So if you could just take into that the bottom left? SHREYA | 1:59:31 AM --> Yeah, right here. Naomi | 1:59:34 AM --> So this is the same widget that's embedded on our website as well and this is a great place for you to, to access some help articles and to speak to our support team if you have any questions as you're getting started. So like you can see here, we've highlighted a few things that we want within the home section. So we have the book of Deborah, if we scroll down, you have a couple of other tag or cards rather with you know, information that we want to highlight. We have the conversation staff, which is where you can actually go ahead and start a conversation with our support team. We also have our ai, which is called tutoring set up to answer a lot of questions for you. So if you click into conversations, you can actually go ahead and start a conversation, in which case Turing, which is our AI, can be set up to answer any questions. We have the ticket tab where you can see any previous Tickets that you've initiated with us. Yep. And then we also have the help section where you can go through any relevant articles that have been set up using our knowledge base. SHREYA | 2:01:17 AM --> So yeah, now let's explore some of the omnichannel support options available within dev. You know, dev supports various channels including the customer portal, our in-app widget called Plug and integrations with email, WhatsApp, and Slack as well. So let me just show you. Yeah, so once you integrate all these accounts with dev, all the messages received via WhatsApp, Slack or or email can be tracked within Dev Rev. Now to set up or configure this Integration, go to settings, scroll down to integrations and click on snap ins. So yeah, snap ins are our automations and integrations. So here you can view everything that's, that has been already set up, see what still requires installation or explore the marketplace for additional options. Now in marketplace accessible from the top right corner right here, you can explore, you know, integrations related to different aspects of the platform such as support, you know, grow, build automations, et cetera. For example, let me just go to support. Okay, so we have smart import KP here. So this is a very useful tool for uploading your knowledge base or articles from any URL. So by inputting the URL Deborah pulls all the content from the page, making it available for during to leverage in responding to customers. Similarly, we also have WhatsApp, Integration, email, and Slack integrations. And by clicking onto these, you know, it'll provide you detailed information about each integrations including features, limitations, and setup instructions. So once configured you can click on open and all the email received in the configured inbox will be tracked within Dev under Tickets. So lastly, let's discuss more about AI in Dev. So AI is deeply integrated into our platform enhancing various aspects of its functionality. So we have during our AI enabled chatbot that is designed to automate responses and provide support to your customers. So tooling has a range of capabilities it can understand and respond to your user queries, deliver efficient and accurate support, such as similar Tickets and offer related knowledge articles to help customer experience engineers resolve issues more efficiently. So one of the key strengths of touring is its ability to learn from conversations over time improving its responses and becoming more accurate and helpful. So now let just go ahead and explore during and make the most of its features. So yeah, yeah. So just below the settings right here, you'll find during our AI power chat bot designed to streamline responses and offer customer support with a range of capabilities. Now to use Ask During features, simply click on the chat box or use the shortcut command plus J and this will open a dialogue box at the bottom of your screen where you can type in your questions. So lemme just go ahead and ask during a question. And during wolffe relevant information from the knowledge base and displayed here. Now, during also allows you to search for articles you have uploaded or look up for work completed by a specific person within a given timeframe. So for example, if you want to review all the work done by your team in the past, say X days, just enter your request and during we'll provide the relevant information, for example. Yeah, so let me just go ahead and ask during. So once you request this during will provide you with a a desired result. So yeah, he has not done any work in the past 10 days. So this is how you can find all the work done by your team members or a specific person in a given timeframe. And this automation helps you avoid manual work and saves a lot of your time. Now let's see what else you can do. So I'll just open one ticket to demonstrate. So if I click on this ticket, yeah.
Build App Essentials
Debasishswain | 1:34:34 AM --> Sure, that makes sense. Cool. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:34:38 AM --> Alright, we'll just give it a couple more seconds. I know we had a few more people sign up, so just wanna check if you know, we get some customers joining and then we can go ahead and get started. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:35:29 AM --> Okay, cool. So welcome to today's session on Dev Rev build. In the last two sessions this week, we've kind of gone over some of the basic platform navigations, including like, how do you log in, how do you access the left navigation, how do you customize this for yourself? And then we also in yesterday's session, spoke a bit about dev rev support, so creating Tickets, working on Tickets, responding, replying, and then also gone over some trackers as well within the support app. Today's session is going to focus on build, where we'll get into issues, the Roadmap now next later sprints, all of that good stuff. But before I go ahead and get started, just wanna check if anyone has any questions on yesterday's session or the day before and if there was anything that we could help clarify for you in the meantime there. Ashish, anything from you? Debasishswain | 1:36:34 AM --> No, pretty much clear. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:36:38 AM --> And have you been able to get into the platform and navigate and create your own instance? Debasishswain | 1:36:45 AM --> Yes, yes, I'm navigated. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:36:49 AM --> Okay, awesome. Cool, then let's go ahead and get started. So in today's session we'll cover, like I said, focused on build. We'll go ahead and start with the why of Build, what Build does we'll, you know, go over some basic platform navigation elements. Basically a recap from yesterday, we'll get into product parts and trails. We'll talk about issues, enhancements in Roadmap now, next later as well as Sprints. So with that, let's talk about why Devra build and the purpose behind it. So you know, initially when we were kind of looking at Devra, we realized that Devra build can really help facilitate entire product development lifecycle, starting from the very beginning, including discovery of the new features that you wanna work on, defining those features, actually developing the features and then making sure that they're available for customers. And using Devra build, you can track that entire lifecycle, make it visible to your entire product team so everyone has access to the right information at the right time. With regard to the product, so sorry, the target audience, while dev build is essentially made for product managers and engineers who will find the most use out of it, we found that, you know, this can really apply to any internal team when it comes to project management, product management, feature management, all of that. It can be owned internally as well. So for example, within Dev Rev, one of the best use cases I've found of how we use Deborah Build is our design team. So throughout our company a lot of us will create issues that we can then assign to our design team, which are basically internal work items. And our design team team can kind of track and prioritize the things that they want to work on. And then, you know, as someone who's creating an issue and assigning it to the design team, I can go ahead and track the progress. I know what stage the work is at when I can expect it to be completed. And all of that can be done internally within Build, which is basically to say that it's not just specific or restricted to your product teams, any internal team can use it for task management. And then our key value proposition, which is our standout feature within dev build, is the ability for us to be able to integrate the customer voice into the product development lifecycle. So you know, in the last few sessions we spoke about different ways that we can interact with customers and perform your support processes using dev rep support, but today we look at how can we tie all of that customer feedback that verbatim from the customer into how we define our product development lifecycle. So it's really important for us to be able to make sure that our product teams have visibility into what's most important for customers and based on that they can really prioritize what they should work on as well as what is most impactful for our customers. Again, that's one of the unique value propositions of dev build. Okay, quick platform orientation. We've already kind of talked about how do you log in, how do you access the different NA apps, how do you use your left navigation menu, as well as customizing it. We've talked about leveraging Devs search, we've also talked about how you can reach out for help, especially as you're getting started with dev rep. Any questions on this so far? Okay, in that case, let us go ahead and move on to Dev refs parts and trails. So I'm just going to navigate into the platform here and you'll find dev refs parts and trails under product. So the product feature is, or the product subsection is basically where we have all of the content and material associated with our company as a whole. So here in today's session I'm using Maple, which is our demo environment. So what you'll see under product parts and trails is kind of the, the visualization of all of Maple's offerings. So let's start with trails. Trails is basically a graphical representation of your entire product. It's a a visual map that helps you understand all of the different features, all of the different capabilities that your product has to offer. So for example, you can see here that Maple as a whole has two products, which is Maple software and Maple Corp. Now if I click into this, this opens my capabilities. Now I can see what are the different things that Maple is capable of doing, which is Maple can help you with search, with enterprise features, with core features, with cards, rewards and security. Think of this as like a a payment gateway kind of a company. So these are capabilities are essentially what does your product do. Now if I click into each individual capability, you can see all of the features that are associated with that, which is essentially how does your product do what it does. So it's a, again, visual map of all of the different offerings of your product and then what are the individual features that align to each capability. Does that make sense? Feel free to use a thumbs up or come off mute for any questions. All right, so again, these trails can be broken down by product. Your product is broken down by capabilities and then capabilities are further divided into features. Now if we have a couple of options here within each item, if I could just zoom in, it's very easy to navigate. You can basically just zoom in, zoom out, drag, and move it around to access different areas. Or you could obviously look at it at a smaller visual way. Now to look at features in here, you'll see we have a few different options. You can obviously search within each, within each line item. So if you have multiple features in here, you could search for each individual feature. You could look at how this capability is broken down. So we have all of the different features that match to our capability. We have all of the different runable enhancements, top contributors, top supporters and top customers that work or are most relevant to this particular feature. We'll get into some of these details a bit later. You could go ahead and add a new part from here directly. So you can see that since we had feature created, when we click on the plus icon, it allows us to create a new feature from here, which will directly be linked to this particular capability as well. So this is a great way to visualize your product as you're starting to get, you know, get started with Dev Rev, you can go ahead and keep adding your features and capabilities based on what you have to offer. So you could give your feature a name, add a description, make sure it matches the right part so you know which product, which capability is this feature associated with. And then you could add your owner. So if you have a product manager or an engineer that holds that owns this end to end, you could go ahead and add them as the owner, add in any tags which are great for reporting and then also any product related stuff in here. Cool. So Trails is basically your graphical representation of everything that your product has to offer. And then we go into parts, which is more of a list view of what we just saw within trails, except it has everything. So you don't really need to filter into anything because the parts will have every feature, every capability, every enhancement that your product offers in a list view. Now this is really great because obviously while you can apply a lot of different filters, so if you as a PM would like to come and see any specific area that you own, for example, I know that I work on, let's say this particular feature, I could go ahead and look at all of the parts that are created with regard to that or I could even go ahead and look at an individual PM and look at all of the work that they are doing. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:45:41 AM --> We have some sorting grouping and customizing options. So you can sort by name, by created date, by modified by stage. So really great for you to be able to track and prioritize your work. You can also group it further by let's say individual owner. So what this allows you to do is see each owner or each pm and then what are the different work items that they are focusing on, and then which part they're associated with. Now again, what's really great about this is that you know, while you can see the owner, you can see the high level overview. If you just hover over the name of the work item or the part, you can also see the total number of Tickets and issues associated with each part. Now this is really important for us to be able to prioritize what is most important to our customers. So you know, we've already spoken about Tickets. Tickets are are conversations that we're having with customers, work items that are pending for us to work on with regard to support requests from customers. So these are customer conversations, but issues on the other hand are really internal work items. So what are the work that our product and engineering teams are working on associated with this part? So again, this is really helpful for us to be able to see, okay, we are receiving 14 Tickets on this particular capability, but the work that we're doing is either less equal or more, which can show us, you know, what is important to customers and then what are we prioritizing internally. Does that make sense? Debasishswain | 1:47:28 AM --> Awesome. Checking the chat. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:47:30 AM --> Alright, so similarly, if you're looking at this capability, capability 11 associated with rewards, you can see that there are zero Tickets created about this, but we're doing a lot of work on it, right? So this would show us that okay, there's a little bit of a disconnect, maybe this is not really that important to customers and so we can reduce some of the effort that we're putting in on here, but maybe something like, like this feature, we see that there are eight total Tickets, but just two issues. So you know, you can really prioritize where you need to put in more effort, where you can scale back as well to deliver most customer impact. Now going back to the top here, we've, you know, sorted our parts by stage. We've grouped them by owner, which gives us this really great view of understanding at a high level what my team is working on. And then I can also go ahead and customize this view so I can add or remove any columns that I want to see versus don't want to see. For example, if you know tags is something that's not important to me, go ahead and remove that from here or add in something else that is important. You can also drag and drop and move these around to make sure that you're really looking at what's most important to you again. All right, any questions here? Debasishswain | 1:48:57 AM --> It's clear, but just wanted to know the horizontal part of that. All Ray parts day parts, how does that work? Naomi Chatterjee | 1:49:06 AM --> So rev parts is basically anything that directly affects the customer. So anything on the UI mostly is what you can think of it as. And then dev parts are anything on the backend so associated with building your product. Debasishswain | 1:49:26 AM --> Okay, yeah, awesome. Naomi Chatterjee | 1:49:30 AM --> All right, if no other questions on parts and trails, then we'll move on to issues, which is basically the backbone of dev build. Now issues are internal work items that are created internally and can be assigned as well internally. So none of this is customer facing and cannot be shared with customers. They can't view it. But you can link issues to Tickets. So for example, if you've received a ticket where you know a customer has a feature request or a support request that requires product or engineering work on the backend, you can use your ticket to communicate with the customer, but you can go ahead and link issues to the work that is being done internally on this ticket, right? So if we go back into issues, you can see that you know, anyone can create an issue internally and assign it to the right person. The navigation here is pretty similar to Tickets. You could go ahead and search for any specific ticket. You can look at Tickets that have been assigned to, sorry, issues that have been assigned to you using this quick filter. You can look at issues that have been MOS modified in the last day or any issues that are high priority. You can also go ahead and apply any filters in here. Now this, since this is the global list of filters, you can see that we have a a group of predefined attributes that have already been selected here, but you can add and remove them as needed. Again, you can sort group customize all of these different issues based on what's, what is the view that you'd like to see. Now you'll notice that as soon as you apply any change here, whether that's a filter, whether that's a sorting grouping or customizing option, you immediately have the save button. Now if I click on the save, what it allows me to do is create this as a new view for myself compared to Dev rev stock views. So once I've created this, I can give it a name. Let's say I can do sorted by, or no rather, I should grouped by owner. Give it a description and then I can define its visibility, right? So do I want it to be visible to anyone across dev RV select? Should they be able to edit or just view it? And then I can also pin it to my left nav. So I'm gonna say that I don't want this under work, but rather want this under product. Go ahead and create, and you'll notice that it appears here on my left navigation. Now from here I can move it around, I can edit this or I can even go ahead and unpin it. Now because I shared this with the entire workspace, I said that anyone in Maple could view this. I can now go into explore and go into shared views. And this will be available here. So you know, anyone else that is in Dev or sorry in Maple will be able to actually go ahead and view that here. I think I shared it with everyone. Or maybe I didn't. So I'm just trying to figure out why I'm not seeing, oh, there we, okay, my bad. So since I created that view, it'll be under my views, but for everyone else that has access to Maple, you will find it under your shared views. So these are views that other people have created and shared with me. Does that make sense? Any questions on this so far? Okay, so going back into issues, you know, we've looked at how do you apply filters, how do you sort group and customize, you can also switch this view type from list view. To GaN view can view is more of a timeline fashion. So it's really great for PMs and engineering teams to know what they're working on with regard to what is the target start date, what is the target close date. So it's great for visualization as well. So if I go back in here, you can see that I think we breached a lot of our target start dates. But yeah, this is kind of what it looks like. So you can switch between the Gantt and the list view. On the top here we have a lightning icon, which if I click into, there we go, it'll allow me to apply the smart cluster option. Now the smart cluster is basically a way for us to be able to cluster all of these issues by similarity of work item. So this uses, you know, the words and terminology used in the description as well as the name and title of the issue to group them based on similarity. So you can see the first cluster is about enhancing payment processes and policy management. And this has eight associated issues, three enhancements and one feature that we are working on. And then the second one is similar, which is called implementing reward expiration against six associated issues, one enhancement and two features that we're working on. Very simple to go ahead and create a new issue from scratch, but it's really important to give it the right title and make sure that the part is associated correctly so you know how much work is being done on each associated part. Alright, any thoughts, comments on, on issues, parts or trails? Alright, so now that we've spoken about issues and issues can be, you know, visualized in your parts and trails, let's go ahead and talk about the Roadmap, which you'll also find under product. So the Roadmap is where you can track your enhancements. Enhancements within Dev Rev are something that does not already exist within the platform. So that's, it's similar to the epic level on JIRA, but it's basically, you know, if there's something brand new that your teams are working on, you would go ahead and create that as an enhancement, which can then be visualized in your Roadmap. So Roadmap is a default or a stock view from Dev Rev and you can find that in the explore feature or the explorer tab and then you can go ahead and pin it to your left nav if it's not there already. Now actually I'm gonna switch to a different org where we have few more Roadmap options. So this demo environment is called Effortless. If I navigate to Roadmap, there we go. So we have a few more options in here within the effortless workspace. So you can see, again, navigation is pretty similar. You can apply filters, you can sort group customize, you can add in an apart from here directly, but then this is broken down into the now next later style where in the now tab you have all of your enhancements that are currently in development. So your team is actively working on it. That's where the enhancement will be visualized. In the now tab. You then have the next tab where you'll see all of the features that are currently prioritized, but work has not begun on it yet. Sorry, enhancements, the Roadmap holds only enhancements. So you can see that all of the enhancements that have been prioritized work has not begun will be held in the next tab. And then we have the later tab where you'll be able to see all of the, the enhancements that have just, you know, ideation has just started, but work has not begun on it yet. You've just kind of, you know, you had a thought, you had an idea, a customer maybe mentioned it to you and you thought it was great, you went ahead and created an enhancement for it, but you've not actively started prioritizing it yet. You will find that in the later tab. Now in here obviously you can see the name of the enhancement, a title, a description, who it is owned by, who created it, what stage it currently is in, which customers does it impact the most. So these are customers that have mentioned it or brought it up. All of of them will be tracked in here. You can go ahead and look at opportunities associated with this enhancement. So for example, you were speaking to a prospect and you realized that you know, your prospect said, Hey, if you had this feature, it would be a done deal for me. You could go ahead and create an enhancement and tag the opportunity to that enhancement. You could look at potential revenue, customer impact, the number of associated Tickets. So again, this is, you know, if customers are having conversations with you and bringing up feature requests about features that don't already exist in your platform, you could again create an enhancement that is associated with that particular ticket. So again, really great for you to be able to prioritize and visualize what you should focus on. So obviously as a pm I would look at, you know, the enhancements that have the most number of Tickets because I know that that's what's impacting my customers the most and that's what they're desiring the most. We could also look at total issues associated with each enhancement. So I know, okay, you know, we've already started work on it. There are six issues in that is being done internally as well as the number of customers that are speaking about this. It's very simple to move an enhancement from one tab to the other simply by updating the stage. So I could go ahead, click into the enhancement, and now as a PM I realize that hey, this is a feature that I can work on. I can go ahead and update this stage to say prioritized, at which point it will move from the later tab into the next tab. So I can see that, okay, now I can start work on this. Cool. Taking a moment to see if anyone had any questions or if you wanted to maybe go into the platform yourself and just click through parts and trails, look at the Roadmap, look at the issues, and if you had any questions, maybe you can post them in the chat or come off mute. So I'll give everyone about 30 seconds to actually go into Dev Rev and click into parts, trails, Roadmap and issues. Gimme a thumbs up once you're done. Naomi Chatterjee | 2:01:37 AM --> All right, Ashish, were you able to get into the platform? Any thoughts, any questions on what we've covered so far? Okay, awesome. Cool. Then the last thing I have to talk about is the now, next later tab and sprint bots. So this is again, you know, really great for all of your issues as a whole. So we just looked at the Roadmap, which has all of our enhancements structured in a now next later fashion where you can see kind of what your PMs are working on actively, what is prioritized, as well as what is an ideation. You can see a similar version for all of your issues. So again, issues are internal work items, whether those are rev parts or dev parts. So whether they directly impact the customer on the UI or on the backend, both of those can be tracked US issues. So again, similarly we have the now tab where you can see all of the issues that are currently in deployment, in review, in testing or in development, you have the next tab where you can see all of the issues that have been prioritized, but work has not started yet. And then you have your later tab where you can see all of the issues that are basically in backlog. So you know it hasn't gotten to yet. You can track the issue, name, the title, the priority, and the owner. And this all of this can be updated from here directly. So I can just move it, update the stage, and depending on the stage that I move it to, it'll move from one tab to the other. I can also go ahead and update the owner. For example, if I'm looking at this and I realize, hey, this is something I can work on, you can just go ahead and add my name in here and it updates that for me. You can also go ahead and apply smart cluster here as well, which will, you know, cluster all of these biosimilarity, which is great for you to understand at a, at a macro level, what are the themes that your product team is working on. You can export this as a CSV or A-J-S-O-N file. You can also go ahead and create a custom dashboard using these issues from here directly. Or you can look at any past reports that have been created by you or shared with you. We have a lot of great documentation on custom dashboards, so I can share that with the team here after the call. So this was our now, next later, similar to the Roadmap, you can look at all of your issues that your product teams are working on actively as well as things that are prioritized. The next thing we have is our sprint boards. Sprint boards are where you can track your sprints, you can look at any sprints that are active or plant sprints. You can go into it and you have a lot of different options here as well. I unfortunately, I think don't have the permission here to click into this and look at details. So those are permissions that need to be set from the backend, but you can do a lot of stuff. For example, you can look at all of the issues associated with a particular sprint. You also do have a lot of Analytics as well, for example, how long you've been working on it and things like that. So this is great as well for creating and managing your sprints. We can very simply go ahead and create a new sprint board from here as well to find the duration, define the start date, who the owner is and which part it asso it associates most with, and then pin it to your left nav. So it's really great for easy navigation. All right. Let's see. So that's about all I had to cover. We have a couple more minutes, around five minutes. If anyone has any questions, we could answer those right now. Within Grow, what, what features would you like to talk about the most? Debasishswain | 2:06:29 AM --> Basically the opportunities I, I'm, I just want to explore what are the things we have in Grow. Naomi Chatterjee | 2:06:35 AM --> Okay, cool. I don't think we have enough time today to go over that. Maybe we can set up like a meeting. Feel free to like look at my calendar. It's up to date. We can schedule something for next week. Debasishswain | 2:06:48 AM --> I'll bring you on that. Okay, sounds good. Naomi Chatterjee | 2:06:54 AM --> Apart from that, anything else as you are starting to use Debra? Debasishswain | 2:07:00 AM --> Nothing yet. I, I'll, I'll check on. Naomi Chatterjee | 2:07:04 AM --> Okay, awesome. Yeah. Anyone else? Deepti, share any questions, thoughts, comments? All right, awesome. If there's nothing, that was it for me. Thank you so much for your time. I will share the recording as well as some helpful resources after the session. Thanks everyone.

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