
8 ways to build strong customer trust in 2024

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8 ways to build strong customer trust in 2024

When your potential customers hesitate to do business with you, second-guess, and often choose your competitors, what does this signify? Lack of customer trust in your business. Customer trust is a pivotal factor, capable of either propelling your business to new heights or challenging it, depending on the obstacles your business faces.

The more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing. - John Russell

In this blog post, we will dig deeper into the topic of customer trust and its importance in a business. Moving forward, you will also learn how to turn your hesitant prospects into loyal patrons.

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DevRev OneCRM

DevRev OneCRM

Your copilot for customer-centric product development

What is customer trust?

Customer trust means that customers believe in a company and its products or services. They expect the company to always provide excellent offerings and reliable support throughout the customer journey.

Customer trust is a reflection of the consumer's confidence in the company's dedication to fulfilling its commitments and prioritizing the best interests of the customer. It signifies the assurance that the company will consistently meet or exceed expectations and maintain a strong ethical standard in its interactions with customers.

When customers deeply trust your brand, they lean on it more. This trust makes them select your brand amidst many alternatives, advocate for your offerings, and maintain their loyalty even when competitors present better options.

Why is customer trust important?

Trust is a pivotal element that not only attracts new customers but also nurtures loyalty among those who have already engaged with your brand. This trust is a catalyst for recurrent purchases and motivates customers to become advocates, promoting your products and services to others.

Moreover, customer trust gives your business a competitive edge in the fiercely contested marketplace. It effectively steers potential customers toward choosing your brand over numerous alternatives.

Cultivating customer trust also yields cost-saving benefits. Loyal customers, having faith in your brand, require fewer promotional efforts, reducing overall marketing expenses. Conversely, establishing trust with new customers often entails higher acquisition costs.

On the flip side, compromising customer trust can have dire consequences. According to a report, over half (55%) of consumers state they will never patronize the brand again.

Satisfied customers have the potential to become brand advocates, sparking word-of-mouth marketing that expands your reach and enhances your reputation. Even in times of crisis, customers who trust your business tend to display greater resilience and understanding, facilitating effective navigation through adversity.

Finally, building a strong customer base rooted in unwavering trust provides the foundation for sustained growth and business longevity. This fundamental element ensures the enduring prosperity and sustainability of your enterprise.

Customer trust unveiled: 8 Must-know ways

"Customer trust" – This seemingly simple phrase carries significant weight in the world of business. Earning and maintaining it is no easy feat. In this section, we'll explore eight effective ways to gain and nurture customer trust.

1. Be consistent and stand to your promises

Being consistent is all about providing an equivalent customer experience every time your customers interact with your business. Whether it is about the quality of the product, the timeliness of your services, or the level of customer support, ensure that these meet or exceed expectations consistently.

Doing so establishes a sense of trust and reputation among your customers that your business will always deliver what it promises. According to Statista, the second most crucial factor driving individuals in the 16 to 25 age group to endorse a brand online is the sense of belonging or active engagement.

2. Stay transparent with your customers

Engaging in customer transparency means openly and honestly sharing information about your operations and practices with your customers. It begins by having clear communication with your customers about the terms and conditions of your company. Furthermore, give your customers a wide view of all the products or services you offer that ease their selection process.

Lastly, your customers should have detailed knowledge about your post-sales services and warranty/guarantee, if any. When customers perceive transparency in your brand, it builds trust, as they feel they are dealing with a company that values integrity and honesty.

3. Emphasize on customer service

Excellent customer service is the heart of your post-sales operations. It is not only about resolving customer inquiries but also solving them dedicatedly and in the least time possible. When customers feel heard and valued, it fosters a sense of customer trust and customer loyalty. According to Statista, 82% of customers are readily inclined to recommend a company, influenced by exceptional customer service.

In some cases, weak customer service has led to customer disappointment, leading to a loss of trust, and eventually losing the whole customer. To avoid this, prefer opting for a customer support platform like DevRev OneCRM that helps you establish seamless communication between your support team, development team, and customers. With DevRev, you can streamline your support processes, respond to customer inquiries promptly, coordinate with developers, and build a stronger foundation of trust and loyalty.

4. Share social proofs

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals tend to emulate the behaviors of others. Positive customer reviews, testimonials, and endorsements from satisfied customers act as powerful social proof.

Sharing customer feedback and positive reviews imparts a positive image of your brand among potential customers. It not only improves your brand visibility but also works as a key factor giving rise to customer trust.

5. Never compromise with customer data

In the digital age, data security is a significant concern for customers. Ensure robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information, and communicate these measures clearly. When customers trust that their data is safe with your business, it builds confidence in your brand's responsibility and integrity.

6. Listen and act to customer feedback

It is crucial to actively seek and act upon customer feedback to show that you value their input and are committed to continual improvement. Try to gather customer feedback for every aspect of your business, demonstrating your responsiveness and dedication to meeting customer needs and preferences. Ensure to collect negative reviews and, more importantly, use them as a foundation for improvement. This method helps you cultivate a strong and enduring relationship with your customers.

7. Train and empower your employees

Your employees, including your sales and support teams, are the face of your business, playing a significant role in building customer trust. When you empower your employees by investing in training, they provide better service and represent your brand with confidence. A well-informed and motivated team can deliver a positive customer experience, which, in turn, enhances trust in your business.

8. Track and improve relevant KPIs

To gain and maintain customer trust, it's essential to monitor and continuously improve key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly impact the customer experience. This includes tracking metrics like average response time to customer inquiries, customer retention rate, or order fulfillment accuracy. Regularly

analyzing these KPIs and making necessary improvements demonstrates your commitment to delivering a consistent, high-quality customer experience, further building trust with your customers.

How to deal with customer trust issues?

Despite adhering to the previously mentioned methods, trust issues may still surface, be it as a result of misunderstandings, mistakes, or external influences. It’s crucial to understand how to efficiently tackle and rectify these trust-related concerns. Here are some approaches to help you address these:

Understand their concern

The first step is understanding and addressing your customers’ doubts. Listen carefully and provide transparent explanations or solutions if a customer expresses concerns or doubts. Acknowledging issues and addressing them proactively can go a long way in rebuilding trust.

Make amends

If your business makes a mistake or falls short of expectations, take responsibility and make amends. Whether it's through refunds, replacements, or additional services, demonstrating your commitment to making things right can rebuild trust. As per a report jointly conducted by Adobe and Advanis, 76% of customers stated that they are able to regain their lost trust when brands offer apologies and successfully resolve their issues.

Consistency in improvement

Show customers that you're committed to continuous improvement. Implement changes and enhancements based on customer feedback and evolving needs. Consistently delivering on these improvements can rebuild trust over time.

Follow through

Ensure that you follow through on your promises. Whether it's regarding deadlines, quality, or any commitments made to customers, consistency in fulfilling promises is essential to overcome trust issues.

Rebuild credibility

Rebuilding credibility takes time, but it's worth the effort. Showcase testimonials and success stories from customers who have had positive experiences with your business since the trust issue. This helps re-establish your reputation.

Provide guarantees

Consider offering guarantees or warranties for your products or services. These assurances can provide peace of mind for customers, knowing that they have recourse in case of issues.

Learn from mistakes

Trust issues can be learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong, why, and how you can prevent similar issues in the future. Demonstrating a commitment to learning from mistakes can rebuild trust.

Nurturing customer trust for business success

In any business, trust is the bridge that connects companies to their valuable asset – customers. It's the intangible foundation upon which loyalty, reputation, and longevity are built. To nurture customer trust in your business, addressing trust issues is just as crucial as implementing strategies to build it.
In your pursuit of trust, consider tools like DevRev, designed to streamline and enhance your customer interactions. Embrace these principles, and you'll find that trust is the gateway to lasting customer relationships, robust competitiveness, and enduring business success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bad customer experiences can erode trust. When customers encounter issues like poor service, unmet expectations, or unaddressed concerns, their trust in your brand gets damaged. Repeated negative experiences can lead to distrust, customer attrition, and negative word-of-mouth.

The consequences of lacking customer trust can be detrimental. You may experience reduced customer loyalty, increased customer churn, lower customer lifetime value, and difficulty in attracting new customers. Your business may also suffer from negative online reviews and a diminished reputation.

The four pillars of customer trust are: 1. Reliability: Consistently meeting or exceeding customer expectations. 2. Transparency: Open and honest communication about products, services, and business practices. 3. Empathy: Demonstrating understanding and care for customer needs and concerns. 4. Consistency: Providing a uniform and dependable experience across all customer interactions.

Jeel Patel
Jeel PatelMarketing at DevRev

Discover Jeel, an author in product development and GTM strategy, blending his passion with vivid creativity.