
DevRev: The Why, How, and What

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DevRev: The Why, How, and What

The crisis of fractured organizations

Companies thrive when everyone has a seat at the table with the end user (the customer), a concept that is fundamental to our beginnings.

However, growth introduces complexity: specialized teams, tools, and cross-functional work exacerbate this issue. Despite attempts to counteract complexity with various tools and integrations, information often becomes trapped in disparate systems, creating boundaries across teams, and hindering each team's ability to be customer-centric. They lose their essential seat at the table with the end user.

Today’s urgency is greater than ever: end users are increasingly sophisticated, with abundant choices, demanding products that are rooted on continuous customer feedback. Teams are working at lightning speed, and organizations, stretched thin, form silos and blind spots, often losing sight of what's truly crucial – their customers.

When organizations are fractured, people suffer:

  • They lack understanding of the full picture and customer needs.
  • They spend weekends grappling with disconnected data and inefficient processes.
  • They face a heightened risk of errors and poor decision-making due to information gaps.

When organizations are fractured, products suffer:

  • They fail to evolve from continuous customer feedback.
  • The focus shifts from fostering a culture of product and customer success to merely managing projects.
  • Developer productivity is gauged by vanity metrics instead of actual customer impact.

When organizations are fractured, customers suffer:

  • Their experiences are devoid of personalization and lack real-time and self-service options.
  • They remain largely uninformed about the status of their requests.
  • They endure the consequences of disjointed internal processes, resulting in subpar service and product quality, and ultimately, losing trust.

Modern architecture

We are living in a modern era, with a unique opportunity to address the challenges of fractured organizations. The 2020s brought the advent of cloud-native, AI-native, developer-native, in-browser, mobile-first, and real-time collaboration technologies – making it possible to redefine what modern architecture is.

DevRev’s modern architecture rests on five pillars:

Data that collapses departmental silos:

  • Native integrations with real-time data replication across existing tools, while bringing cloud, product, and end-user observability to everyone.
  • Bidirectional syncs with platforms like Salesforce, Jira, and others, powered by DevRev Airdrop technology, offer the flexibility to coexist with and gradually replace existing systems.
  • Data integration that culminates in a knowledge graph of your company, serving as the backbone for Collaboration, AI, and Analytics.

Collaboration without borders:

  • Built-in collaboration features such as video, audio, social, and mobile experiences reduce time spent on platforms with limited recall like Slack or Teams.
  • Collaboration is in-context and centralized around building products and serving customers, effectively uniting globally distributed teams.
  • Collaboration extends beyond internal teams to end users, offering them real-time conversations and visibility into their requests while fostering product adoption.

AI-driven productivity:

  • AI learns from the best in class, namely humans, including support engineers, on-call engineers, product managers, developers, and others.
  • AI fine-tunes using constantly refreshed data, with real-time pipelines, crawlers, and indexers for continuous enrichment of the knowledge graph.
  • AI is accessible through natural language and is available to everyone in your company.

Enterprise-grade, turnkey analytics:

  • An enterprise-grade data layer offering customization, authorization, and robust APIs and webhooks.
  • Access near real-time analytics through advanced in-browser technologies.
  • Engage directly with customer, product, and people data using turnkey or customizable dashboards, eliminating the need for data teams.

Becoming your shadow IT:

  • A hyperconverged business infrastructure with built-in integrations, analytics, semantic search, customization, and workflows, eliminating the need for expensive implementation partners.
  • An open AppStore-first architecture for the creation of apps and workflows using modern programming languages, while leveraging growing community contributions.
  • Turing AI, integrating with popular large language models (LLMs), and highly configurable for domain-specific tuning.

Effortless Customer Support

We harness this modern architecture to truly redefine modern customer support. Our approach makes it effortless for you to improve customer loyalty, employee productivity and service reliability in a digital world.

DevRev’s Modern Support CRM helps you:

Get your weekends back

  • Activate self-service with AI deflection and semantic search.
  • Diagnose and debug issues using live session replays and end user observability.
  • Streamline collaboration with L3/L4 engineering for quick resolution.
  • Continuously fine-tune AI with up-to-date knowledge to enhance productivity.

Have a seat at the table with PMs

  • Effortlessly analyze and prioritize customer feedback from thousands of tickets to inform product roadmap
  • Foster a culture of customer-centricity within product and engineering teams.
  • Close the loop with customers effortlessly, offering hyper-personalized customer experiences.

Deliver end user delight and build brand loyalty

  • Evolve from a "ticket" culture to one focused on end users.
  • Never miss an SLA with customer-centric approaches across all teams, including product and engineering.
  • Maintain and strengthen customer trust.

DevRev’s modern AI-first platform streamlines your support infrastructure, consolidating multiple tools onto a single hyperconverged solution, and fostering customer-centricity into every aspect of your organization.

Read more: Explore our follow-up post, The Why and What of DevRev, where we delve into the foundational principles and real-world applications of our approach.

Bhavana Thudi
Bhavana ThudiDevRev

Bhavana, a simplicity-seeker and builder, adept in product and GTM with leadership skills.